Spreading the
magic of books !
Children require literacy skills for success and teachers long to inspire students. But generating enthusiasm for reading is a challenge. The Book Fairy creates excitement through a unique literary experience, captivating children with the magic in books.
An Experiential Educator
The Power of Live Literacy Experiences
The Book Fairy immerses children in the magical world of storytelling, books and reading. Whenever she visits, she sprinkles her magical (non-messy!) fairy dust on every reader, as well as gifting them with her Custom Bookmark. The Book Fairy provides an entertaining, fun and educational experience for young readers. One they never forget!
An Experiential Educator
We Know Your World
Working as a public school employee for 20 years, The Book Fairy understands the day to day routines of schools. In your busy schedule, she knows every moment counts. Her personal experience includes working with Special Education students, so she is eager to have them included in any visit, even if it is individual visits to their classroom. She is flexible to meet your needs, but has the experience to make sure her program runs on your schedule.
See The Book Fairy In Action
It’s Story Time
Join The Book Fairy as she reads some of her favorite books.
Bring the Book Fairy to Your Location
Our Packages
Literacy Celebrations
Designed for Book Fairs, Family Literacy Night, Summer Reading Programs, Book Character Day or any special reading or book themed event. 1 to 1 1/2 hour: $150
The Book Fairy:
Greets visitors as they arrive and emcees the event, if you wish.
Interacts with individual participants and sprinkles them with her magical (non-messy!) Fairy Dust.
Passes out her custom bookmarks.
Allows unlimited free individual pictures with children.
Promotes your Book Fair, Literacy event, or other specified activities.
Special concerns? Packages can be customized to meet your needs.
Birthday Parties
The Book Fairy is perfect for princess, princes, knights or any fairytale themed parties! 1 hour for $100
The Book Fairy:
Provides entertainment in the form of storytelling, reading, and a little magic.
Incorporates any theme you choose and brings fun interactive books to be a part of the magic.
Gives each child a custom Book Fairy bookmark.
Takes pictures with each individual child at the party.
School visits
Designed for larger groups, or combined classes, each program lasts 30 - 45 minutes per group, depending age & grade level. Rates: $250 half day (2 presentations), $500 full day (4 presentations)
The Book Fairy:
Performs her original story about how she became The Book Fairy. (She’s NOT the Tooth Fairy, and in fact, almost failed fairy school!)
Models entertaining and engaging reading using some of her favorite books. Plus,
she gets the children involved with helping her read.
Presents a unique literacy lesson that discusses how to get a “super-strong, super-fast, monster-truck brain” by reading.
Finishes the program with the children saying her magic words and making her custom bookmarks appear.
Special concerns? Packages can be customized to meet your needs.
What People Are Saying
“Once a year (for several years) The Book Fairy packed up her magic wand, reading fairy dust, and came to the Texas Book Festival to enchant children with the magic of books. She emcees for performers with aplomb and tells stories between acts. She was a favorite of everyone and I loved having her appear in the Children’s Chapter Entertainment Tent.”
— Jane Sheaffer, Chair, Children’s Chapter Entertainment Tent, Texas Book Festival, Austin
“I just want to say that your performance at Vogel Elementry was hysterical. I loved all of your stories you told and especially the tongue twisters the most. I was the boy in 5th grade with the cookie monster shirt on next to the isle. You rock and I loved the performance you gave us, you made my day!”
— Email from a Fifth Grade student, Seguin, Texas
“The Book Fairy is wonderful at what she does! As you watch her read, you see the children get involved, ask questions, and gain knowledge about the literature being read…she captivated their attention. She is a fabulous addition to any classroom”
— Ms. Sutherland, Second Grade Teacher, Northeast ISD, San Antonio